#amwriting: The Lightness of Darkness

She walked slowly up the hill. The journey seemed long and hard, but she continued it anyway. She had a purpose. She needed to go up, she needed to see. Step by step, purposefully, she made her way up. Grass was cutting her ankles, making her feet itch. She didn’t yield to the need to bend down and scratch the cuts. No. She was too busy walking, thinking, seeing, feeling.

She smiled when she saw the spot at the top of the hill. It was her place, her sanctuary. She had missed this place oh so much. Her pace quickened and soon enough she was already there. The happiness bubbled to the surface and she sighed contently, sitting down to the favourite spot in the world. Closing her eyes for a moment, she thanked the universe that she finally made it there.

Opening her eyes, she saw her surroundings. The things that made her always feel better. The landscape that made her heart flutter every time she saw it.

The northern summer night was never dark; she could see the traces of sun in the western sky. Full moon in the eastern side of the vast emptiness and the starry Milky Way created more lightness into the night. She didn’t feel like it was night at all. Too light, but she liked it. It was summer at her home; there was no place in the world it would feel like this again.

She was on the top of the hill. She could see miles and miles in every direction. The lake in the southern side of the hill glistened in the soft moonlight and casted sleepy spell to the woods that surrounded it. The wind was playing in the wheat and clover fields nearby. The branches of the lime trees swayed lazily on the alleyway in the yonder. Crickets were playing their sweet music in somewhere in the nearby grass. The light darkness made everything look positively silver.

She just sat there, breathing in the nature – the smells of the surroundings, the sweet aroma of the black dirt beneath her, the scent of the wheat and the weed and grass growing nearby. Oh, she had missed it. She wanted to be one with the nature. Deciding to lay down, she shifts herself on the ground, patting down the overgrown grass. She closed her eyes slowly, feeling the universe carrying her away. Her deep breaths made her dizzy and blissfully sleepy.

The lights behind her eyes started to pulse. The random patterns started to make more and more shape as she silenced the pace of her thought. She started to see things, shapes, colours – the blissful world between the reality and dream. All of a sudden she heard heavy breathing coming closer to her. The pictures in her head disappeared. The distinct feel of somebody nearing to her started to grow and the tiny traces of fear crawled into her heart. She didn’t open her eyes.

The breathing came closer and closer until she felt it right next to her. The grass bent under the weight of the unknown force as the unnamed shape sat down next to her.

She tentatively opened her eyes. Sitting right next to her was big white wolf. Probably the biggest one she had never seen. Fearing to move herself, she stays at the same spot fear slowly overtaking her. She just looked at the big wolf, her eyes big and full of awe.

The wolf yawned, revealing his sharp teeth to the darkness. He turned his head to look at her, the girl lying down in the grass. She feels the pulse of electricity to run through her as the wolf is looking her straight into the eye. The big yellow gaze of the white predator meets the tentative blue of the girl’s. They just sit there, looking at each other.

Suddenly the fear disappeared and she feels safe. The animal wasn’t afraid of her and he laid down, besides her. The beating of her heart slowed down as the two souls lingered there, together in the light darkness of the night – the nature and humanity mingling, becoming one.

She raised her hand slowly and threaded it through the rough fur of the wolf’s head. It felt hoarse but so soft at the same time. She enjoyed the feeling and it seemed that the white and furry predator liked that too – he closed his eyes and sighed, looking the distant surroundings through the grass.

The lightness of the day suddenly woke her up. Suddenly remembering the wolf, she jerked upwards. But as far as her eyes could see, she was alone. She supported her weight to her shaking hands, she stood up. She was still there, on the hill. Wind played with in hair as she turned herself to look to every direction. Not being able to spot any living things, she sighed and closed her eyes.

Suddenly, a high pitched yelp pierced the silence of the nature and she opened her eyes, looking at the direction of the sound. It was the same wolf, looking at her, waiting her.

She smiled and started to walk slowly towards him. He saw her coming down the hill and dashed away from his spot in the grass.

She smiled. She knew. He was taking her home.

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