Silence, after the storm

Hello, my dear friends. I know, I haven’t written anything in months. I think I haven’t really written anything ever since I moved here in National Park. I am sorry about that. I do not have explanation for that. Well. I do, but it doesn’t matter at the moment.

Let’s start with the pictures. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them!


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Ok. So how have I been? I have been quite ok. I am still living in National Park, like I told you all the last time. I am still working at the same place I was before. But my living space is so much different as it was. For months I lived in Howard’s Lodge, as I worked there as well. But after few months I decided to move away and I found a place to live few houses down at National Park Tavern. So I have been living here since april. I love it here.

There is several other people living permanently here like me. Well semi-permanently. We live here until we have work in the area. If we don’t have work anymore, we move away and find another place to live at and work at. That’s how the life for a backpacker is in here.

Most of the people who work in here, work for the Whakapapa ski field. There are only few who doesn’t work up the mountain, like me and Eliza. The people are from literally everwhere. We have americans in here, australians, british people, argentinians, russians, italians. I love the diversity of the people staying in here. I love to communicate and people always have something interesting to say.

What I have been doing here these past four months you ask? Well. I have been mostly working. It has been busy times, specially when I had gotten two jobs at once. I worked most of my days and I was quite happy.

Some days in march, when I had days off, I went to the crossing. I loved every bit of it. Well. I didn’t love the bit when after 20 kms of walking in alpine conditions, I had blisters everyhere on my feet and I had done something to my ankle and I couldnt walk much. But other than that – the views were fantastic! I do not know if I wanna go there more. It remains to be seen.

I also have visited sightseeing places all around Whakapapa area – the skifield itself and the places Peter Jackson shot Lord of the Rings there. Taranaki falls and Tawhai falls go under that category as well. Those walks have always been so amazing. The nature is so different here, I am loving it so much.

Other than that, I haven’t done much. I have mostly stayed in National Park. I know its quite boring. But in all seriousness, I thought that it would be smart idea to stay in one place during the winter and start travelling once the weather starts to get better in the spring again. Hopefully I can have more updates and interesting stories in september and october. But this remains to be seen.

So you see guys, I have lived quite a busy, but boring life these past months. To be honest, I don’t regret anything, because I have made many good friends in here and so many unforgettable memories. I think once I am gone from National Park, I am gonna miss this place a lot.

Anyway, if you guys have questions, please ask. I can certainly answer some of the questions for sure. And let me know what would you want to know about the life in here in New Zealand. Maybe if you ask more pointed questions, I may have enough brain power to do another blogpost soon.

Until then, cheers!

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