The winter season flew past like a bird…


I did it again. So much time has passed since I wrote to this blog. It happens, when you are having fun in real life and completely forget about the internet sites you should be updating. I really forgot about my blog for good few months. I didn’t write much at all, not even my book. Well I did write my book a bit, but … its not amount I could be happy about. But anyways, lets talk about what I have been doing so far…

The winter season in the Ho (it’s the nickname of National Park Tavern, I spent last 5 months living) flew past like a bird. It is crazy how time passes when you are having fun. When I last wrote to my blog, not all of the people had arrived to the Ho. I think the last ones joined us in august and september.

It was a crazy amount of international people living in one small space – argentinians, americans, czechs, italian, two estonians (!), a russian, germans, kiwis, ozzie, brits, frensh people and one scotish person too. Together we created this crazy, funny and awesome family. It happened that we ended up cooking together or dinking wine or other beverages together and watching movies and/or documentaries. Luckily there were no arguments or any ill wishes between any of us and we got along fairly well with everybody.

Let me introduce some of the crazy bunch I spent my winter season with:

That’s basically what I did all of my august and september – working and having fun with everybody in the Ho!

In the end of september I had to leave from my work (it was my own choice, so do not be sad about it – I had worked there for too long) and thus why I had to leave National Park and leave all my new friends behind.

If anybody would have told me before that it is possible to grow attached to people with short few months, I would not have believed them but there you go – I did grew attached to most of my new friends and leaving many of them behind broke my heart. But that is the nature of a backpacker life – you make friends and you leave friends behind and move on. And those who are good friends will allways stay with you, one way or another.

I even grew to love the owner of the NP Tavern, Teesh. Since I worked for her and thus spent time with her a lot, I grew to respect her and love her company so much.  I think she is one of the people I am missing the most at the moment. Who I am going to gossip with now? Huh, Teesh?

I think she is one of the nicest people I have met in New Zealand yet. Which says a lot – since most of kiwis are very welcoming an nice people mostly. Thank you, Teesh, for taking me in and gave me the oppurtunity to shine and be part of the crazy family you had there.

But, it was time to move on.

But I will write about this in my new post…

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