Category Archives: New Zealand

About my trip in NZ

Aand I am going!

There is no turning back now. I have now one way ticket to Auckland on the 18th of January of 2017. I have apox. 6 months to get my things in order, quit my job and pack my bags, before I arrive to the other side of the world.


I have now made a list of everything I need to sell in e-bay and soon I will be raiding the closets to see if anything is good for throwing away (well for recycle… as an environmental person, I cannot just throw things away).

There are now few things I still need to do:

  • Get an insurance
  • Get an intrenational driving licence
  • Get a ferry ticket to Helsinki
  • Save enough money for the trip

And, thats about it. Hopefully I did not miss anything. If not, then I will probably someday make a post about it.

But until then, Ciao, my readers.




Welp, let’s start!

I have been putting off starting this blog. I haven’t had really any inspiration to write and everything seemed… meh. But I think it is high time to kick my lazyness in the butt and actually move the blog along.

As you read from the About Me or “Who is Trinxy” page, I am an aspiring writer. I have not written anything big yet, my novel is still somewhere 2/3 written and 1/3 in my head. I am in need of major edits and re-reading of that particular writing, so I am trying to bite time from my busy schedule for that.

In real life, I am environmental specialist, working in one of Estonia’s biggest companies. It’s challenging job and so far I have liked to work here. But I have been feeling the pressure to change something in my life for the longest of time and now I have actually taken a step towards it.

So, I did it. I applied for the New Zealand working holiday visa. It’s in the final stages of approval and I am pretty hopeful that they will not say no to me. THAT means that I have a year for entering the country and a year spending in that particular country. So, I have a lot to do before I can say that I am ready for the new paragraph in my life. This includes figuring out where will I get the money for plane ticket and where I get the money for my first leg of the trip there. I need to have a fund. I am already running some ideas in my mind and hopefully I can put something into action really soon. *fingers crossed*

All and all, welcome to my blog. I hope you have fun here and find what you are searching for. 🙂