Tag Archives: nz

Leaping from one continent to another… and then to an island

Did you know that not so long ago, scientists discovered that New Zealand is its own continent, Zealandia, and it doesn’t belong together with Australian continent? I didn’t know it either until a year ago while I was browsing some scientific articles in the internet. And so, with that note, here’s the story (quite boring) of I changed continents (again).

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The birds are flying south for summer!

Hello again!

Like I was explaining in my last post – I had to leave my nice home in National Park and start my very own adventure. The main reason was that I had been there for too long already. 8 months is a long time and it was high time to move on. The other reason I had to leave was – I needed to start a new job, 1500 kms away from my place at National Park, in a small town called Te Anau.  Thus why I needed to get all my things packed and ready for my big adventure!

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