Tag Archives: ruapehu

Life like a hurricane

It has been roughly half a year since I opened this blog and wrote in it. Now I am back here again. I apologize, but my life has been like a hurricane, changing countries and continents, having fun and spending time with friends. Now, I have been staying in one place in months now, I finally found time and willingness to update this blog. So here we go!

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The winter season flew past like a bird…


I did it again. So much time has passed since I wrote to this blog. It happens, when you are having fun in real life and completely forget about the internet sites you should be updating. I really forgot about my blog for good few months. I didn’t write much at all, not even my book. Well I did write my book a bit, but … its not amount I could be happy about. But anyways, lets talk about what I have been doing so far…

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There is a snow in july!

Hello again! I am sorry – again – for not writing for a month. But to be honest, there has been nothing happening and I haven’t started my adventures yet in this big country. I still live in the same place I was living a month ago and my life basically goes by one rule: same shit, different day.

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No rest for the wicked!

Hey, hello there. Its good to see me, isn’t it. No need to respond, that was rethorical! [*]  I haven’t updated my blog in a really long time (two weeks :O ) and I think it is high time to do that now. These two weeks have gone by so fast, I didn’t even really notice it. Those who do not know yet, I have relocated myself and now live in a whole different place I was living before.

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