Tag Archives: thin line of life

#Amwriting A Novel: Thin Line of Life – Chapter 1 (sampler)

“Chief!” a snappy voice echoed around the dark room. It startled Malera, who was hunched in front of her holoscreen.

She was daydreaming again. This cannot be good, at all. Especially at work. She just cannot dream away the day.

The woman glanced out of the darkened windows for confirmation. The day was over and she had slept through the evening hours.

This kind of behavior was not good for The Assistant Chief of Security Forces of Lysandria. It has never been a good idea. But this is the second time in this year she has caught herself doing that. Working in the Security Department should be rewarding and challenging job for a person like her. But here she was, sleeping away the day.

“Chief Malera! You have to see this!” the annoying high pitched noise emerged again, stirring her from her thoughts.

“I’m coming, coming,” the brown haired woman grumbled and stood up from her desk, while rubbing away the sleep from her eyes. “This better be something good.” Continue reading