Tag Archives: trinxy writing

#amwriting: The Lightness of Darkness

She walked slowly up the hill. The journey seemed long and hard, but she continued it anyway. She had a purpose. She needed to go up, she needed to see. Step by step, purposefully, she made her way up. Grass was cutting her ankles, making her feet itch. She didn’t yield to the need to bend down and scratch the cuts. No. She was too busy walking, thinking, seeing, feeling.

She smiled when she saw the spot at the top of the hill. It was her place, her sanctuary. She had missed this place oh so much. Her pace quickened and soon enough she was already there. The happiness bubbled to the surface and she sighed contently, sitting down to the favourite spot in the world. Closing her eyes for a moment, she thanked the universe that she finally made it there.

Opening her eyes, she saw her surroundings. The things that made her always feel better. The landscape that made her heart flutter every time she saw it.

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